Episode 169 - Damn Dirty Debut: Torture Escalation/Dan's Day in Heaven

The Damn Dirty Drive-In show

Summary: It's the official world premiere of The Damn Dirty Drive-In! On this episode, Rebecca Hanson is prepared to go to any lengths to get the information she needs from Greg Sestero in "Torture Escalation", and a newly dead man (Tim Ryder) is given a tour of a less-than-perfect heaven by St. Peter (Rico E. Anderson) in "Dan's Day in Heaven". Plus, Ryan and Robb chat about the new format, Greg shows up for announcements and is promptly thrown out, Erik force-feeds the gang some summer sausage, and Frank Dietz drops by to discuss the merger with Damn Dirty Geeks. All this and a mutant sloth who's on vacation, because holy smokes, this joke is getting old, on this episode of The Damn Dirty Drive-In!