Astrology of week 17 to 23 June – a BIG week ahead with Cancer and Capricorn being highlighted.

The Water Trio - Astrology with Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Shaich Yusuf show

Summary: Join Australian astrologers Cass, Kelly and Alicia as they discuss the astrology of the week ahead. There are moments of tests, frustrations and insecurity from Cancer and Capricorn this week but there are also the Sagittarian gifts as well. The Full Moon is on Sagittarius on Monday as the Moon meets Jupiter, so there’s lightness and hope around. Then Pluto moves to the forefront, with Mars opposite Pluto on Thursday showing up as pure will and power dynamics, but this can see problems solved and new resolutions arrive. Saturn can have us living in fear but Mars offers the courage to move past it and do it anyway. Jupiter brings the potential of breakthrough and opportunity when it meets up with Venus at the end of the week, it’s the sunshine after the rain we’ll all be needing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button, leave us a review or even share with your friends! Kelly has her Introduction to Traditional Astrology class continuing this week, find out more here To find out more about the Water Trio, check out our individual websites for info on astrology consults, classes and more. Alicia - Cassandra - Kelly -