361 Is God Against You?

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Romans 8:31 – If God is for us, who can be against us?<br> Is God for you? Is he on your side? Does he really have a good plan for all of this?<br> I’ve found these are the deepest core questions that guide my life. The answers determine my energy level, my attitude, my endurance and my actions. Let me have a moment of pure honesty here with you today. Just because I show up here every morning with joy and share the love of Jesus with excitement, doesn’t mean my life is perfect and without messes. I can show up here today with joy in the middle of a family crisis because I KNOW my answers. I know God is for me. I know God is on my side. I know he really does have a good plan for all of this.<br> Circumstances cannot shake my truth. We can only see the surface level of eternal things happening in our midst. We only see the here and now, God sees the end from the beginning. Nothing is impossible for him, no one is out of his reach, no situation is too far gone, and it’s not too late for his plan. Not now and not ever. Oh the load we carry when we play God, assuming it’s all up to us. Girl, sit down and take a breath, God’s got you and he’s got this!<br> When I started truly believing God is for me, my life changed.<br> Do you know God is for you? Do you know that to be your truth?<br> What if he’s disappointed in you? What if you have a past? What if you carry around secret shame and guilt that comes knocking on your door, reminding you that you’re simply not good enough? Is that from God? Is he sending you on that guilt trip? Is he picking at your scabs? Is he behind your anxiety?<br> There’s a song called “God Only Knows”. I’ve heard it a hundred times, but never got it until this weekend. You see, I have a beautiful 17 year old Prodigal Daughter. You know the story of the Prodigal Son in the Bible who left his family to live on his own terms and his own ways and made a real mess of his life? Yes, that’s the truth of our story right now. Our daughter has been gone for over 2 weeks. She has left our family. But read the story of the Prodigal Son and you’ll understand why I have hope … I know the ending!<br> So this song “God Only Knows” has a more personal meaning to me now because I don’t know exactly where my girl is or what she’s doing. But I trust God does. I trust he is for her and not against her. He has a plan in all of this and nothing will be wasted.<br> Listen to these words:<br> God only knows what you’ve been through<br> God only knows what they say about you<br> God only knows how it’s killing you<br> But there’s a kind of love that God only knows<br> There are things about you, about your life, about your past and about your right now that God only knows. You carry these things around in hidden shame believing if others knew, they wouldn’t accept you. If they knew about your mistakes. If they knew about your struggles. If they knew the truth behind your lies. If they knew the REAL you, no one could love you. But God knows. He knows it all. Honey he knew about your mistakes before you ever made them. He knows every detail of everything you’ve been through. God knows all about you, and there’s a kind of love that God only knows. The kind of love that doesn’t stop for even one second. The kind of love that never withdraws no matter how hard you’ve pushed it away. The kind of love that is in relentless pursuit of YOU. The kind of love that will be stopped by no one and nothing, ever. This is God’s love.<br> It’s God’s love for me. It’s God’s love for my Prodigal Daughter. It’s God’s love for you.<br> And his love is FOR you, not against you.<br> The enemy uses fear to keep you in bondage. Fear that tells you there’s something wrong with you.