How to Find a Mentor and Make It Work in the Real World

The Real Estate Guys Radio Show - Real Estate Investing Education for Effective Action show

Summary: Finding, vetting, and thriving with a mentor is one of the biggest shortcuts to success in real estate investing … and in life. Nearly every successful person can point to one or more people whose wisdom and encouragement played a critical role in their development. But recognizing the value of a mentor is one thing. Finding a great mentor and making the relationship work in the real world is where the rubber meets the road. So tune in as we take on the topic of finding, vetting, and thriving with mentors. The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show provides powerful real estate investing education, tips, analysis, news and strategies to help real estate investors succeed. Sign-up for The Real Estate Guys FREE Newsletter Follow on Facebook - Instagram - Twitter Order FREE reports, articles and webinars in our Special Report Library