356 Dumptruck of Mercy

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Do you ever feel like God is taking entirely too long to show up? Like he’s delaying, and as he is delaying, things are only getting worse? Have you ever watched life completely fall apart and felt like God was absent in the process?<br> Knowing he has the complete power to turn every detail around in this very moment, to radically change every circumstance in your life, and set stagnant things in motion … and yet he hasn’t … that leaves us to question. Does he not hear? Does he not see? Does he not care?<br> Faith requires us to trust what we cannot see. We cannot see how he is working. We cannot see what he is doing in the middle of our mess. We cannot see the eternal impact of the very things we’re trying to pray away. But we must believe he is here. He is in action. He does care. And nothing, not one detail has been overlooked by our mighty and powerful God.<br> I spent this past weekend at a funeral, and at a hospital. Two places I didn’t want to be. On Saturday I supported a dear friend as her Daddy’s life was celebrated, then I sat beside my own Daddy as he clings to his life. I’m going to be honest with you here, THAT SUCKED. Where’s God in that pain? Where’s God in that loss? Where’s God in this confusion and frustration?<br> Answer … HE’S ALL OVER IT.<br> God is at work using every single detail for good. He wastes nothing. Someone’s life is being positively impacted in the midst of our hardship. Eternal repercussions are in our midst and this side of Heaven, you simply cannot fathom what your hurt has healed for someone else. You can’t imagine it, but you can trust it. And for me personally, I know I can go through Hell if I know it’s for something good. If there’s a purpose in the pain and a destiny in the delay, I can stay in the game. The enemy works hard to cloud our minds with the overwhelm. He tries to frustrate us in the continual waiting game. But all he’s doing is trying to distract you from the mighty and eternal work of our God through your circumstances.<br> Listen to me … God isn’t out to punish you. He’s not withholding his power or his healing out of punishment. He’s not trying to be mysterious or difficult. God is simply being MERCIFUL.<br> In everything God does, he is being merciful. The delay is because he is giving time. And in that time he is working. Work you cannot see is happening as you walk in circles over this delay. God can make things happen in an instant, however he’s dealing with free willed spirits that are defiant and rebellious, and he responds with such mercy to give us time. Time to get it wrong so then he can help us get it right. Time to experience all we don’t want in life so we will then turn the other way and fight for what we do want. All while God is being merciful. Not forcing his children, but lovingly guiding his children.<br> He is here today with his mercy for you, for your spouse, for your children, for your loved ones.<br> While I’m frustrated saying “God, fix this – change this – this needs to happen now!” God is saying, “my mercy is at work here.” It is his mercy that creates true change. It is his mercy that we need, not a quick fix.<br> I’m here today saying I DON’T WANT A QUICK FIX – GOD I WILL WAIT. Will you say the same? Will you trust God’s timing in this? I’m over quick fixes. I’m not looking for a bandaid. God, I will wait for the real deal.<br> Lamentations 3: 22-23 says “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”<br> God’s love is steadfast. It is resolute, it is unwavering, it is relentless. While you’re playing stupid, God’s love will wait you out.