Behind The Mike – Amusing Stories Behind Radio. ep35, 410518

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Featuring: Graham Macknamee, Gilbert Martin. <br> Al Simons helps to bring a few amusing stories behind the scenes in radio. A frustrated telephone operator and a question about the time, sound affects and ad libs, time over runs to make awkward sponsor messages, and finally, nervous speakers on the air. <br> Sound affect of the week features: The sound of walking up and down stairs, baby cries, and the sound of a guillotine. Human interest story. How a small radio helped keep a boy out of trouble.<br> Oddities in radio. Fluffs are presented. Time, weather, song announcements, and government dignitaries are all featured. Radio tradition features a singer from the past. Letters from listeners. get the answers regarding: Female radio directors, Comedy gags that die on air, fan mail to radio personalities, radio composers, and more. <br> Daytime serials. A glimpse behind the scene of a story conference including. Sponsors, writers, story consultants, the director and more. The team argue out how a story goes wrong, and how to fix it. <br>