Cisco Kid – The Trail Of The Blood Red Sun. 530609.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As Cisco and Pancho ride the trail, they comment on the red appearance of the sun, and what causes it. Locusts are out in number, and Cisco wants to spend the night in a hotel, instead of camping in the open. The locusts are also a danger for the homesteaders, one in particular seems to have snapped. <br> The crazed homesteader thinks he can fend the locusts off with his shotgun, and is upset that his sister Madge has come around with a friend, a man named Doctor Anderson. The doc points Cisco and Pancho to Madge for a place to take shelter from the coming swarm of locusts. The mind of her brother is so demented that he may have murderous intent if somebody can’t stop him. <br> Cisco does his best, but the unending flood of locusts is enough to drive anybody mad. Listen and see if either Cisco or Doc Anderson can help. Learn for yourself to see if the horde of hungry locusts can be stopped. An amazing miracle takes place that just might help. <br>