Great Gildersleeve – Leroy’s New Teacher. ep175, 450909

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: After arguing over going to school, and doing homework, Gildy in Leroy aren’t talking much. Marjorie may not enjoy returning to school, but at least her attitude is more mature to Gildersleeve’s liking. Birdy thinks the family gets crazier with each day, especially when we hear how much Leroy dislikes his teacher, Miss McCann. Leroy’s day turns all the more dark, when he is informed that he has to walk Craig bullard to school for his first day of kindergarten.<br> Later after school, Leroy recites his first essay of the year. Amazingly Gildy is very pleased with miss McCann. Even Marjorie takes note of Leroy’s enthusiasm, when he also prepares a science assignment. The affect his new school teacher has on him, has LeRoy even acting nice to Craig.<br> With the war recently over,, the family enjoy surpluses of food with a meal of shortcakes. Gildy thinks Leroy has been showing promise, and plans on sending him to college. Visiting Peavy, Gildy tells about his investment in an encyclopedia, and his plan to visit the school principal, miss Goodwin. <br> Eve Goodwin is pleased to hear how well Leroy is doing in his new class with his new teacher, Miss Wynn. Will learning about Gilby’s enthusiasm over his new encyclopedia, also be a turn on for her? When the set of books arrives, and is uncrated, will Leroy share the excitement of the rest of the family? Changes at school suddenly have Leroy’s attitude back where it was before, and even suspended for a week. What could possibly have come over him?<br>