Molle Mystery Theater – Female Of The Species. 460607

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Eva Lester proves that old quotation that the female of the species is more dangerous than the male. A smartly dressed woman takes her story to a swanky law firm. As Eva tells her tale, we go into a flashback to about a year ago. A busy beauty salon owner, Eva deals with squeezing her appointments in, and manages to meet the husband of one of her clients. Fred Maxwell and Eva fall for each other, and soon plan to get married. Can he get a divorce? Is his wife as tired of him as he is of her? Does she suspect that her trusted salon lady is the other woman? Helen refuses the divorce, and it takes Eva to nudge the marriage into a more permanent termination. <br> What can a beauty parlor technician do to commit murder, and make it appear like an accident? The trusting, and desperate Hellen is ready to do anything Eva suggests to enhance her beauty. Will the slow acting chemicals that are added to Hellen’s treatments workto do their deadly task? Does Fred know what’s going on with Hellen? How will he react when his wife collapses with a stroke? <br> The medical crisis makes Fred realize that he still loves his wife, more than any beauty treatments that she could have ever heaped upon herself. The twist in the plan infuriates the jilted Eva. Her mean spirited visit to Helen serves only one purpose, to heap on the straws, until they break the camel’s back. Back in the lawyer’s office, Eva asks about loop holes that might clear her of Hellen’s death. Will she and Fred finally be together forever? <br>