A Chapter From Own Your Everyday - Disciplines to Help You Overcome Distraction

She Podcast show

Summary: <p>Do you ever feel afraid to make the wrong decision? Easily distracted? Overcommitted? Overwhelmed by the endless list of options — the things you could do? But not entirely sure if those are things you SHOULD do? Yeah? Sister, the overwhelm stops here! Tune into this episode to hear a section of the Own Your Everyday audio book to get the tools, steps, and disciplines it takes to get focused and start making positive, lasting change! </p><br><p>Get the book here:<a href="https://jordanleedooley.com/book" target="_blank"> jordanleedooley.com/book</a></p><br><p>Say hi on social!</p><p><a href="https://instagram.com/jordanleedooley" target="_blank">Instagram</a></p><p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/jordanleedooley/" target="_blank">Facebook</a></p>