351 What’s Next Papa?

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Romans 8: 14-16 MSG<br> This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children.<br> Oh to be adventurously expectant! Did you wake up this morning expecting adventure from a Father who loves you? Did you wake up remembering he is for you and not against you? My sister, did you remember that he has already gone before you and made a way? If you didn’t, you may feel stressed or overwhelmed, worried about your future and dreading the day. You have received a resurrection life, that means a life that has been raised up, a life that is new and fresh, a life that can break free of overwhelm.<br> When God’s spirit touches your spirit, you know who you are. If you’ve lost yourself along the way, I would like to stop right now and pray over your spirit so you know your truth and can return to the true you.<br> When you know who you are, then you know God is your Father and you are his beloved daughter. This world is hard. Living well is dang hard. But when you know who God is and you know you are fully his, that is when you can be ADVENTUROUSLY EXPECTANT greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” Perhaps your translation of the bible says “Abba Father” which translates to our most affectionate and intimate term for a father, Daddy.<br> What’s next Daddy?<br> God, you’ve given us this Monday – this new day, this new week and this new month, so what’s next? I’m pretty darn excited to see what we’re going to do together!<br> How do you sound to God when you pray – A beggar or a child?<br> Are you coming to God as his confident daughter trusting in his very best for you … or do you come to him as a beggar feeling you really have no right, just hoping to maybe catch him in a good mood? Or maybe, you stopped coming to God at all because you’ve lost your belief in his personal love for you?<br> The enemy wants you to view God as the angry gray bearded untouchable man with a big stick ready to strike you. But God wants you to view him as your Daddy. And there’s a huge difference here and it all comes down to a personal relationship.<br> My friend and BIG Life Theresa sister shared over the weekend she is reading a book titled “Two Chairs.” I know nothing about the book other than the title implies you pull up an extra chair for Jesus and you have a chat. I immediately imagined sitting on my dock with Jesus in the extra chair, anxious to just sit with me. I hopped on my paddleboard last night at sunset and invited Jesus out on the water with me. He came. He healed some things in my heart that have been hurting in our time together.<br> Where are you? Will you give him an extra chair? Will you invite him to sit with you? Sometimes the best friendships don’t even require constant conversation, they just require your presence. Don’t be overwhelmed with what to say in your prayer, just be in the presence of God. And that can be anywhere you choose. Pull up an extra chair and say “Hey Papa, what’s next? I’m ready!”<br> Did you know God wants a personal relationship with you? He wants to be the first one you talk to about your joys. He wants to be the first one you come to with your worries. He wants to be your FIRST. He wants to be your comfort and your power. He wants to be your shield and your sword. Your Papa. Your Daddy.<br> There is no relationship more important. But for many of us, our idea of that loving Father figure has been deeply damaged and stained by an earthly father who fell short or fell absent. And for even more women today, that loving image of a Father has been further damaged by raising our own children with a man who falls short or falls absent.<br>