Burns and Allen – With Chester Morris. 490602.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: 1Gracie and George talk about their night’s guest, Chester Morris, and for those not already acquainted with the entertainer, we learn that he was known as a popular magician of the day. Gracie wants to learn the secret of Chester’s magic tricks so she can use magic to help her around the house. Visiting him, she tries to pass herself off as a fellow magician, but he wants Gracie to prove it by doing some tricks. <br> Though Gracie tries to avoid doing any tricks, and she has comical answers to his questions, Chester is somehow not convinced. George arrives, Gracie leaves, and the guys conspire to scare Gracie out of telling such crazy lies. Chester is to do an escape trick and make Gracie think he’ll suffocate without her secret ability of Houdini’s great escape trick. In comic, and dramatic fashion the stunt goes down, but the guys underestimate Gracie’s fear factor. <br> The guys have managed to convince Gracie that Chester died in his trunk, so they now want to make her think his ghost has come back to haunt her. Still, the trunk remains locked. By the time Gracie cracks the lock, Chester has long slipped out the trap door, and his pet dog slips in. Not too worried over the change in events, and believing that Chester is now a dog, Gracie tries to break the news of the canine Chester to his wife. When Mrs Morris doesn’t seem to understand, or want her doggie husband, Gracie does the responsible thing and takes the dog home. <br> The real Chester hides out while he and George try to figure how to use the situation to their advantage. Meantime, Bill Goodwin pops in for his commercial, and to take part in the loonie mixups and comedy. There’s still a matter of changing Chester back from being a dog, but don’t worry, he manages it. Gracie does her best to help in the process, and make everybody laugh while doing it.<br>