Lum and Abner – Sister Simpson Wants Lum To Sing. 450117

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A bazaar is planned, and grandpap joins Abner to discuss Lum’s part in the big affair. His prize winning baritone voice is all the rage. When Lum arrives, he explains that he’s going to have other plans for that day <br> The whole town is buzzing about Lum’s singing voice, and can hardly wait to hear him show his stuff. There’s more chances for Lum to sing in public. More than he counted on. How long can he keep on dodging the request for public performances? <br> His best reason to keep from performing is that he needs musical accompaniment, and there is a shortage of musicians in town. A a convenient shortage indeed. Until Miss Platt phones in to volunteer that she plays piano. <br>