Casey Crime Photographer – The Reunion (AFRS Mystery Playhouse). 460603.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As part of the series, Mystery Playhouse Theater, and on the line up from AFRS, comes this episode of Casey, Crime Photographer. The scene opens with a couple of upscale gals making their plans, when a telephone call seems to bring important news. The lady of the house tells her maid of her expected happiness, and trip, but doesn’t say anything about her travel plans or who she will be seeing.<br> Later, Annie Williams, female reporter gets a hot tip that the wealthy socialite is missing. The maid believes the trip was to reunite with her husband. Is the extended time of her missing simply due to having a good time, and not wanting to return? Or might there be an actual concern? The cops decide to move ahead delicately. The husband is a sculptur and Casey goes to interview the man about his wife. The guise is to ask questions for a newspaper story about his artwork. Casey notices a detail or two that tips him off to things that aren’t as they should be. There’s nothing solid to return to the cops with, and they aren’t happy with the results. After laying his cards on the table with the cops, Casey and Annie go to the bar and talk with Ethylbert. They review details of the case with their favorite bartender. In the casual atmosphere, it all comes to Casey in a flash, but how can he prove his theory? What crazy thoughts has Casey come up with? Will the cops go for backing him up? <br> The cops have already followed up with Casey’s earlier suspicions, and came up empty handed, and embarrassed. This time the plan is to play on superstitions of the artist husband, but will the man crack and lead the cops to his wife’s dead body? We can hope. <br>