Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber Builds a Telescope. ep282, 410408

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The latest fascination for Fibber is to build his own telescope. What does he need it for? Molly thinks he needs to see an eye doctor, worse than building any telescope. Is his eye strain just due to working hard? Nick Depopolos pops in to try to explain his trouble at the library. Or was int rabbits? <br> Billy Mills plays some swinging traveling music. <br> Abigail Uppington has arrived to hear Fibbers jokes about his telescope. Will she be as intrigued by it as Fibber? To fend off Molly’s insistence on having his eyes checked, Fibber is rescued by a visit from Harlowe Wilcox. Of course, the telescope plays a part in the sponsor message. <br> Teeny visits for a lesson on astronomy. But the heavenly bodies only make her hungry. She manages to give Fibber a lesson on the truth behind the man in the moon. The Kingsmen sing, the Reluctant Dragon. <br> It’s getting late, but Fibber is determined to make a new discovery.. Gildersleeve enters to complain about his peeping Tom of a neighbor. But has a new comet been found? Quick! Call the news papers and radio reporters! Will Gale Gordon confirm or deny the validity of the finding? <br> Note: Frank Nelson appears as the radio news reporter. <br>