Box 13 – Design for Danger. 490605.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A challenge arrives in box 13 that has Dan asking questions in a dangerous part of town. Dan asks about a character named Johnny Tigh, but the name manages to only stir up the fears of the shady types he runs into. A story of revenge, and paranoia begins to emerge. Dan manages to get a list of names that Johnny is gunning for. What kind of story would it be if one of the people being targeted wasn’t a sultry woman? <br> Dan tracks down his people, and the story is filled in. Johnny is a ruthless convict who is bacck on the streets and out to get those who did him wrong. When Dan has a run in with Johnny, he tries to talk sense to him. Is killing the answer? Is there another solution that will work better? Maybe Johnny is in just as much danger as Dan, and being played for another set up. <br> After a thump on the head, and waking up to a murder, Dan vows to his policeman friend to solve the mystery and hand it to the cops by morning. Dan keeps plowing his way through the parade of shady characters, and digging for the clues he needs to lay blame. Was it Janice, or Fatty? Johnny is missing again, but when Fatty is shot down before Dan’s eye’s the list of suspects shrinks. <br> Dan seems to be a step behind the killer, and he’ll need to act fast to get the jump ahead he needs. If anybody can figure out the mess, Dan can. Listen in and see if you have the facts, and the answers before he does. Don’t miss the big ending when the cops close in on their man Johnny, and the real killer is exposed by Dan.<br>