5 Tips for Exploring Your Life Purpose

Goal Setting & Achievement Podcast: Business|Productivity show

Summary: Today we are going to talk about 5 Tips for Exploring Your Life Purpose. If you’ve ever wondered if there was more to life than what you’re currently experiencing, you’ll find this discussion helpful. First, let’s clarify that identifying your life purpose isn’t the end all - you still have find a way to integrate it into a life, that for most of us, has been built on necessity or security. Yes, we all have bills to pay; but selling your soul (so to speak) in the name of security isn’t necessarily the way it has to be. I’m all for fueling your passions, but I’m also a firm believer in smart and strategic business decisions. My advice is to take this process slowly. If you love what you do, find a way to work your life purpose into your career or business. If you don’t love what you do, then explore other avenues that support a solid business foundation and purpose. These 5 tips will help you explore your life purpose and find more meaning in your life as well as your profession. 1. What Fuels You? What in your life gives you energy? Most of us know what it feels like to be drained (by personal dramas, professional conflicts, too many obligations, financial stress, etc.), but do you know what fuels you? Perhaps you already know you just don’t have time for it. Pay attention to the things that give you life as they are clues to what you really love to do (and you may be able to monetize them). 2. Play the What-If Game The “What-if” Game is where you ask a series of questions starting with “What if?” What-if I didn’t have to work - how would I choose to spend my time? What-if I could make money any way I wanted - what would that look like? What-if I didn’t have to ________________ - what would I want to do? What-if I could live anywhere in the world - where would I live? What-if I followed my dreams…what would that look like? What-if I went back to school - what would I like to study? What-if I created a new program and/or service, what would it look like? What-if I had a board of Ideal Clients for my firm, what impact would they have on my business and life? You get the idea…. What is really important to you in life? What are your core values? To explore what your core values are, download my complimentary exercise by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/values-clarification/. 3. Prophesying a Legend At the end of your life, if you could leave a legend - a contribution to the human race - what would it be? In this exercise, imagine what you would like people to say about you, say in a eulogy? What would be the biggest gift you could pass on? What do you want to leave this world? Your response is very likely part of your life purpose. 4. Observe Your Challenges Life is filled with many challenges, but each of us has a unique set of challenges which are often tied to our life purpose. Going back through your life, identify three challenges that seem to recur in your life. Perhaps you don’t face them any longer because you finally discovered the hidden lessons, but everyone has challenges they are either dealing with or have resolved. Whether those challenges were related to intimate relationships, self-worth, financial, physical, emotional, etc. you will find great lessons directly tied to your life purpose. Take what you’ve learned by facing and overcoming your challenges to teach others how they can do the same. 5. Take Note of What Comes Easily Not everyone is cut out to be an accountant for the same reason that not everyone is cut out to be a doctor, a teacher, an actor, a dentist, or a professional athlete: each of us is born with a unique set of gifts that can be utilized for personal fulfillment as well as contribution. When exploring your life purpose, pay special attention to the skills that come easily to you. Whether it’s calculating numbers, counseling a troubled soul or mending a broken bone - those gifts are special clues to your life purpose. The kicker here is that what comes easily to you i