Marebito, Vicis Interimo Episode 108.2

Vicis Interimo: 30 Minutes to Kill show

Summary: Welcome to episode 108! This week we review the 2004 Japanese film 'Marebito', by director Takashi Shimizu (Ju-On, The Grudge). We also watched Diary of a Wimpy Kid this week, since last week we mentioned the sequel. Other short topics include the TV show 'Ink Master', and the quirky movie 'Adaptation' starring Nicolas Cage and Meryl Streep. These generate some discussion on reality TV shows and whether or not Nicolas Cage is a good actor (he really is!). In the next couple weeks we'll be having Slug (from the Slugcast) join us for a review of Vincent Price's 'Abominable Dr. Phibes'. We're looking forward to it! ... Thanks for joining us this week! Marebito: (2004) R Masuoka (Shinya Tsukamoto), a fragile cameraman who's afraid of the unknown that he's certain lurks around every corner, is the last person one would expect to rise to the occasion when courage is needed. But that he does when he winds up with an assignment that has him looking into an urban myth about specters that supposedly haunt Tokyo's subterranean travel system in this fantastical film directed by Takashi Shimizu. Marebito... Adaptation... Diary of a Wimpy Kid... Ink Master... Slugcast Podcast...