Pretty XAML With XAML Styler | The Xamarin Show

Channel 9 show

Summary: This week, James is joined by friend of the show & Microsoft MVP Nico Vermeir shows off a Visual Studio that will change our life.... XAML Styler. It is the ultimate styling tool to help you make your XAML for Xamarin.Forms super pretty! **Shortly after we recorded the Visual Studio for Mac version of XAML styler was released! Check it out:** Show Links: XAML Styler on Visual Studio MarketplaceXAML Styler on GitHubFind James on: Twitter, GitHub, Blog, and his weekly podcast Merge Conflict.Follow @JamesMontemagnoNever Miss an Episode: Follow @TheXamarinShowUseful Links:Xamarin Developer Center & BlogXamarin and AzureMobile DevOpsCreate a Free Account (Azure):