International Bestseller Author, Poet & Actor Tshombye Kentrell Ware -T.K. Ware

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Summary: Tshombye Kentrell Ware,  has a passion for writings that offer a subliminal message that minister to the body, soul and spirit. A firm supporter to those who seek to employ the world through inspired writings. Oftentimes Kentrell would share his faith with other students through a gift called the spoken word. A display of poetic words mingled with rhythm. As the door to inspiration continued to open, Kentrell became drawn toward writing; which led to his inspired creations. Many of KenTrell's titles are unpublished. He has chosen to release certain titles throughout the days, months and years, as the seasons change. Currently Presidential Assistant with Poetry in Motion Production and ACEO of Insightful Creation Publications. An author of several poetic inspirations and the founder of Poet TALK (collection of inspiring poets and writers).T.K.Ware was also an actor in Writing Christmas Cool (musical Christian film). T.K. currently runs an active blog used for sharing inspirational quotes, phrases, and thought. Many people have received encouraging words through his blog. ( Author of UP CLOSE & PERSONAL SERIES, a collection of books that minister to the body, soul and spirit. A fictional story whereas several people are thrown together by catastrophic events, as the door to eternity opens. Each book is an ongoing message that echoes (2Peter 3:9) The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Many of his titles are unpublished. He has chosen to release certain titles throughout the days, months and years, as the seasons change. T.K.Ware latest release entitled, “A Husband’s Love,” a story about hope, redemption, and sacrifice; made the best seller list during a free promotion and once again after the promotion.