Do you know the REAL Reason for Networking? Are you a Millionaire in Training?

Good Deeds show

Summary: Good Deeds presents Networking Guru- Mr. John Shamburger. He is the mastermind of Millionaires ln Training Owner Only LLC. John Shamburger was born and raised in Chester, PA. John has always had an entrepreneur spirit. At the age of 16, John started a club called "The Family Club." The Family Club was a small group that help young teens like himself to be positive. For group activities they raise.d funds through selling bake goods, having car wash and partys. In college, John started S.A.B. Strictly about Business Businesman Ass. In which he made business cards to venture into advertising. In 1988 John seen an opportunity to become apart of the LosAngeles Black Business Expo. John volunteers and lead 50 more volunteers to join the Black Business Expo. John was then rewarded "Networker of The Year". In his second year at the Black Business Expo, he became apart of the staff. In joining the staff, he was introduct to Mr. Harold Hambrick (The President and lastest Owner of the Expo) by the Former owner Barabra Lindsey. John spent nine years with the LosAngeles Black Business Expo in which he learned through experience what it took to Ran an Expo.