Many young people have developed an "Addiction to hopelessness." Can you help?

Good Deeds show

Summary: Good Deeds presents Dr. Rebera Foston. Dr. Foston help the younger generation who are spiritually disenfranchised in America. Speaking with younger adults and youth to help them spiritually is DrFoston main objective. Author of many books including her acclaimed poetry, Dr. Rebera is guiding the younger generation to a better adulthood. The problem is that adolescence is too crowded! It is filled with children who have been catapulted there and deprived of their childhood. It is also filled with adults who never left adolescence because they never healed from a childhood trauma. It is also filled with the young people who are supposed to be there, but they are being crowded out by the other two groups. Because so many young people are crowded out of their own developmental space, many have developed an “Addiction to hopelessness.” Adolescence is already turbulent enough without the added pressures of this unique addiction. Dr. Rebera believes that each adolescent has at least one unique gift that needs to be nurtured as the focal point towards his or her journey to adulthood. If young people are not assisted in finding their gifts, their “addiction to hopelessness” worsens. Many cannot find or nurture this gift alone. They must be mentored holistically. In their advertising, traditional mentoring programs use the slogan that “anyone can be a mentor.” We do not believe that this is true. If an adult is not whole or at least on their way to wholeness, they may actually harm the teen they are supposed to be trying to help. Learn more at