Bestselling Authors Jane Congdon & Joseph Barnett stops by Good Deeds w/ Dr Sund

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Summary: Barnett Bestselling Authors Jane Congdon & Joseph Barnett stops by Good Deeds w/ Dr Sunday. Siblings Jane Congdon and Joseph Barnett grew up in Glen Ferris, a small town in the mountains of West Virginia. Both left their hometown in 1966 and rarely saw one another for the next 40 years until a brain tumor brought them back together. Jane graduated from Concord College (now Concord University) in Athens, West Virginia, and made a career of words. She became an English teacher and a newspaper reporter before settling into her longest career: 30 years as a textbook editor in Cincinnati, Ohio. She retired in 2009 and completed her memoir It Started with Dracula: The Count, My Mother, and Me (2011, Bettie Youngs Books). Joseph attended West Virginia University and in 1970 settled in Cincinnati. After working 27 years in a food plant, he became a school custodian. Joseph retired in 2010. With his sister as co-author, he published the memoir Mr. Joe: Tales from a Haunted Life (2013, Bettie Youngs Books). Jane and Joseph share a website at You can find them and their books on Facebook as well. Follow Jane’s blog So Write! at and Joseph’s blog Mr. Joe’s Sweeping Thoughts at Mr. Joe and It Started with Dracula are available in paperback and e-book versions from Amazon and Barnes & Noble online or through the publisher at