Walt Disney Magic & the Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction Secrets show

Summary: If you have listened to this podcast you know that Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach Robert Zink is a big fan of Walt Disney.  Today, 58years ago, Walt Disney opened up the gigantic theme park called Disney Land.  So in this podcast Robert Zink, M.B.A , Miracle Mentor, Magician,  will talk about the creative methods used by Walt Disney.   These methods are tried and true today.  They have worked for thousands of people all over the world, and they can work for you too.  Robert often employs the Disney Method in Miracle Mentoring with his clients. Be sure to take notes, because Robert will show how the Disney method is not too different from the teachings of the ancient Qabalist. You deserve a Miracle and this is exactly what this podcast is all about.  Miracles through the Law of Attraction   http://www.personal-magic.com