Lead from Any Position Through Influence

Working on Purpose show

Summary: Everyone wants to matter, to make a difference in the time they are walking across the planet. One potent way to matter is to be a leader. And whether your leadership is based on position, expertise, or character – or all three, it is powered by influence, which can be developed in a variety of ways. This episode draws from the leadership lessons in the book, Growing Influence: A Story of How to Lead with Character, Expertise, and Impact by Ron Price and Stacy Ennis. <br><br>This show is broadcast live on Tuesday's 6PM ET on W4CY Radio – (<a href="http://www.w4cy.com" rel="noopener">www.w4cy.com</a>) part of Talk 4 Radio (<a href="http://www.talk4radio.com/)" rel="noopener">http://www.talk4radio.com/)</a> on the Talk 4 Media Network (<a href="http://www.talk4media.com/)" rel="noopener">http://www.talk4media.com/)</a>.