Hard Factor 5/21: Brexit Is Still A Shit Show, Woman Impersonates Sheriff to Jailbreak Boyfriend

Hard Factor show

Summary: <p>The man pictured above is Nigel Farage, the leader of the Brexit Party. An anti-Brexit "remainer" hit him with a salted caramel and banana milkshake from Five Guys Burgers &amp; Fries. The big news here is that the United Kingdom has Five Guys. </p><p>Does this look like the face of a woman that would jailbreak her boyfriend by calling the jail and pretending to be the sheriff? If you said yes, gold star. This is Maxine Feldstein, her boyfriend Nick Lowe was in Douglas County Jail in Arkansas for charges of identify theft back in Ventura Country, California. Lowe was awaiting transfer to Cali when Feldstein called up pretending to be from the Ventura Sheriffs department to let them know that he could be let because of overcrowding in Ventura County. Douglas County bought it hook line and sinker. Go figure. Now Feldstein is facing 15 years in the slammer.  Their fatal flaw? They didn't leave Arkansas. Bummer. </p><p>Also...</p><p>- Trump slams Biden for moving out of Pennsylvania</p><p>- The French are lazy and shut down the Eiffel Tower because some guy climbed it</p><p>- A Disney World employee stole an animatronic puppet from Disney, obviously for sex.</p><p>Brought to you by WeThePeopleHolsters.com enter promo code: FACTOR</p>