All About Rust | The Open Source Show

Channel 9 show

Summary: Oliver Gould (@olix0r), CTO at Buoyant and one of the creators of Linkerd, joins Lachie Evenson (@LachlanEvenson) to talk about Rust – which was ranked the "the most loved programming language" in StackOverflow's 2019 Developer survey. Oliver shares the fundamentals, why and where it's used, and top tips for anyone looking to get started. You'll learn about Oliver's journey with Rust, what led Oliver to use Rust for Linkerd's data plane (spoiler: speed, safety and a strong community), and more. 00:51 What type of developer uses Rust?02:29 Why did Linkerd choose to use Rust?03:12 History of Rust04:24 Oliver's journey using Rust Learn more Free Azure Trial Stack Overflow survey Learn more about Rust: more about Buoyant + Linkerd: buoyant.iolinkerd.io - #linkerd2 channel Check out: Azure IoT Edge