Tips Tuesday – Site Speed Improvements, WP 5.2.1 Rollout, Dropped Support of Old PHP and WP, cPanel Changes

BlogAid Podcast show

Summary: Tips this week include:<br> • The Gutenberg Course is available to all with a grand opening discount<br> • Live session this week in the DIY SEO course for Yoast and Search Console changes<br> • Why I’m so tickled with my 2 latest video experiments for Heartwood Art<br> • Why I’ve taken to deleting cache after updates and the 3 places you need to do that<br> • WordPress 5.2.1 is scheduled to roll out today – see what’s in it<br> • More on the huge new feature in WP 5.2 of a signature key security code<br> • Why Yoast is dropping support for pre-Gutenberg WP versions and why I’m delighted about it<br> • Why cPanel is removing PHP versions 5.6 and 7.0 and what you need to do now<br> • What’s up with cPanel changing the way our SSL certificates renew and why it’s making me crazy<br> • Changes to your heartbeat and revision control code coming<br> • Why you need to get an annual site checkup<br> • Nginx is coming to cPanel and what I’m watching closely for that will impact our site speed<br> • Huge speed boost from Cloudflare with their new HTTP/2 Prioritization feature