Supporting ALS

Life Tips on show

Summary: Stephen Burwell and Shonda Schilling Stephen Burwell is an ALSA-Evergreen Chapter Board Member, has been involved in the ALS DoubleDay bike ride for many years, and lost his father to the disease in August of 2005. The ALS Association is the only national organization dedicated solely to the fight against ALS. By encouraging, identifying, funding and monitoring worldwide ALS directed research, The ALS Association is working towards its mission to find a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In addressing the needs of ALS patients, the Association is achieving its mission to improve the quality of life for ALS patients and their families. Shonda Schilling is the founder of The Shade Foundation of America. The wife of a successful major league baseball player, Shonda had a very public battle with malignant melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. As a result, she launched The SHADE Foundation of America in 2002 to promote sun-safety awareness.