Jack Benny – Leaving For Chicago On The Train. 460505

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In preparing to travel to Chicago, Rochester helps Jack get packed up. Medication, clothes, and reading material. Elsewhere, we find Mary with her new maid, packing and making arrangements for the milkman and other such services. Mary Livinggstone is packing the same book as Jack, but what are the names of the three children in that story? At Phil’s house, he gets a little help from his daughter. Phil has the same reading material, and that running gag about those kid names takes yet another turn. We find Dennis talking with his mom about the trip, and that same book again. They also talk about Jack’s contract with Dennis, before he sings. His song is snipped though. <br> At Don’s house, he says his goodbyes to his wife, and jokes about that same book, sort of. The audio skips a bit, but we land back with jack and Rochester as he heads to the vault for a little spending cash. <br> At the train station the cast all converge, and Mel Blanc calls out the departures, while Frank Nelson works the concession counter, and Kitzel has his ever present hot dog stand. The Colemans make a quick appearance to say a goodbye to jack. <br> Note: Phil has his trunk full of bottles. A gag that imitated real life. One of Jack’s writers is reported to be a heavy drinker… OK, more than one of Jack’s writers were reported to be heavy drinkers. But one in particular is known to load his trunk up with booze, while carrying his clothes on his body. He just didn’t want to be caught short of his usual supply. Also the girl who played Phil’s daughter in the spots on Jack’s show would also play one of his girls on his own show. <br> <br>