Abbott and Costello – Circus. 460509.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The mood of the show is set when Lou enters in circus tights. He and Bud fire off the jokes about the circus, and circus animals. The discussion drifts to wild animals, Tarzan, and making movies. Somehow the guys end up on a virtual lion hunt, with Lou as the mighty hunter, and Bud setting up the scene and delivering the straight lines. <br> Back on the circus midway, it’s fun with sideshows. Bessy May Mucho arrives to share her cracker jack, and drive Lou nuts with her manner of speech. Mel Blanc provides voices for a variety of characters. Ken Niles and his radio wife, played by Alvea Alman swap insults with Lou about her appearance, and horses. Later Lou is told that Mrs Niles is going to have him fired, but it doesn’t stop the insults or animal jokes. <br> Still checking out the side shows, an exotic dancer becomes the center of Lou’s affections and jokes, before circus manager, Mellonhead kicks him off the lot. To redeem himself, Lou gets to run a sideshow game. Hey, what are all those guys doing with those baseballs, and looking at Lou that way for? <br>