The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary: 36 LITTLE THINGS THAT TRANSFORMED MY CONFIDENCE<br> Podcast #318<br> This week on The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about:<br> <br> One reason every single one of us can have more confidence each day<br> The 36 little things that transformed my confidence<br> A new, systematic approach to the confidence I am excited to introduce<br> <br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK:<br> R + J<br> <br> Amazing, amazing podcast. A couple of months ago, I began community to work and found myself looking for something to listen to on my hour to two-hour drive. I was not expecting to find something actually worth listening to: I was taken aback by Trish's podcast and find myself irritated when I have to stop listening once I actually arrive at work. She is so incredibly positive, upbeat and encouraging without being fake. She's entirely real and down to earth and simply lovely to listen to. Not only do I feel better after listening to every episode, I feel stronger, wiser and much more sure of myself and where I am headed. An absolutely life-changing podcast. This is a must-listen. :)<br> <br> <br> <br> Ya'll! We're ranked #158 in all health podcasts. Total podcasts out there? 700,000 (according to podcasting insights and blubrry.<br> SPONSORSHIP NOTE: <br> Just a quick note to let you know how much I love all things clean - clean thinking, clean living, clean eating, and clean beauty. I'm sure you're seeing my favorite clean beauty brand all over the news ... we were literally the top Googled beauty trend of 2018 and we are truly effecting change through beauty.  If you haven't fallen in love with Beautycounter yet, you're the one missing out. Shop for safer beauty and let me love on you a little as a customer ... you can place your order at www.beautycounter.com/trishblackwell<br> HOW CAN YOU GUARANTEE YOURSELF TO HAVE MORE CONFIDENCE EVERY DAY?<br> What makes me so sure that you have the ability to be more confident each day, even if you don't "feel" the changes happening?<br> <br> It's one thing we all have in common: we are aging.<br> <br> And with age, comes repetition - and wisdom, and perspective and, repetition again.<br> <br> Y'all, this is my birthday week, and if you've been on brand with me for the past few years, you'll know that I absolutely love aging. Past episodes I've done around my birthday include:<br> <br> #266: 35 Power Mantras to Improve Your Confidence and Courage<br> <br> www.trishblackwell.com/266<br> <br> #210: Aging Confidently and Beautifully<br> <br> www.trishblackwell.com/210<br> <br> #162: 33 Unexpected Things to Be Thankful For<br> <br> www.trishblackwell.com/162<br> <br> #110: My Best 32 Shares<br> <br> www.trishblackwell.com/110<br> <br> #58: 31 Ways to Boost Your Confidence<br> <br> www.trishblackwell.com/58<br> THE 36 THINGS THAT TRANSFORMED MY CONFIDENCE<br> Real change happens in the littlest of things.<br> <br> (Story about my mom and the dishwasher - let all that I do be done to the glory of God).<br> Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me ... happy birthday to me! <br> <br> Gratitude journaling<br> Getting a coach<br> Therapy<br> Focusing on champagne moments and progress<br> Seeing myself as a new creation<br> Compartmentalizing my past<br> Slightly changing my name<br> Letting go of trying to impress other people<br> Journaling<br> Running<br> Chasing failure<br> Eleanor Roosevelt<br> Permission to be a student<br> The color pink<br> Making a fool of myself<br> Doing things that make me very uncomfortable<br> Learning sales by fire<br> Worship music<br> Keeping my word to myself<br> Deciding who I am and giving myself powerful attributes<br> Reading every day<br> Going for B- work instead of A+ work<br> Deciding to be the friendliest and kindest person in the room<br>