Know Your Team

Rework show

Summary: Claire Lew is the CEO of Know Your Team, a company dedicated to solving the problem of bad bosses. The company has its origins as a product developed within Basecamp and today is not just a software tool, but a deep vein of resources for managers of all experience levels. In this episode, Claire shares her unconventional path to becoming a CEO, how she completely revamped her company's focus and business model, and why so much "thought leadership" around management gets it wrong. Show Notes Claire Lew on Twitter / Know Your Team website — 00:15 The Heartbeat Podcast — 00:34 Know Your Team's "About Us" page — 1:04 "Building Know Your Company" (Signal v. Noise) — 8:04 "How we put together a simple deal to spin off Know Your Company" (Signal v. Noise) — 12:31 "Want to be a better manager? Work as a restaurant hostess" (Know Your Team blog) — 10:55 Daniel Lopes on Twitter — 21:13 The Watercooler — 21:40 "Big news: Know Your Company is now Know Your Team" (Know Your Team blog) — 24:43