Casualties of Surrogacy: Women for Rent, Infants for Sale, LGBT Rights for Hijacking

Heritage Events Podcast show

Summary: Political and social support for the sale of infants by women who need money is increasing in the United States, despite human rights campaigns to ban surrogacy and the parallel practices of organ sales and prostitution. Women who need money rent out their wombs to people who can pay as much as $200,000. This practice is promoted by a burgeoning fertility industry and uncritically cheered on by an expanding cadre of neoliberal LGBT activists. The public, our lawmakers, and even some health professionals are relatively fact-free regarding the adverse consequences of surrogacy for everyone except the purchasing parents and the businessmen who control fertility clinics. Surrogacy is a medical, ethical and legal disaster. The deliberately ignored rights of human beings who are harmed by this cruel practice must be heard. Join this expert panel for a discussion of why surrogacy in all its forms must be abolished.