FL289 – Lead Generation for Beginners

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> In today's episode, we help Lori start an online business.<br> FULL TRANSCRIPT<br> Jocelyn: Hey y'all! On today's podcast we help Lori start an online business.<br> <br> Shane: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast, where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online. And now we help other families do the same. You ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started.<br> <br> Shane: What's going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast. It is great to be back with you again today. Super excited because we've got a guest from the Flip Your Life community, an actual member inside of our community who is starting their online journey.<br> <br> Shane: They are starting an online business, and we wanted to talk to her right as she's getting ready to get out there, right as she's ready to launch this thing into the world, so that you guys out there who are listening who are also starting an online business, kind of listen in and bust through some of those fears, overcome some of those obstacles and take your next steps as well.<br> <br> Shane: Our guest today is Flip Your Life Community member Lori Pyne. How are you doing Lori?<br> <br> Lori: I'm doing great. Good morning.<br> <br> Jocelyn: Good morning. We were really happy to have you here today and to help you get started on this journey. I understand that, you've gone through a lot of different things in your life. And because of that, I think that it's going to make it even more sweeter, I guess you would say. No, that's probably not-<br> <br> Shane: More sweeter?<br> <br> Jocelyn: That's probably not correct English. It would make it sweeter once you reach that finish line, because you've gone through all of these different kinds of things. So go ahead and tell our audience a little bit about you, your background and what you are starting online.<br> <br> Lori: I have been in the legal field for 30 years. I started it when I was two years old, you understand that of course.<br> <br> Shane: Right.<br> <br> Lori: And while I was being an amazing paralegal supporting my attorneys, I ended up having an amazing son who came into the world with, oh my goodness, a handful of challenges.<br> <br> Lori: At that time I was able to find angels. Truthfully angels who helped me help him. My family, my friends. I met therapists and doctors, nurses, all of who helped him become the miracle baby he is.<br> <br> Lori: He's now 18 years old and we're getting ready for the next change, which is being an adult when you're six foot tall and five years old developmentally.<br> <br> Shane: What happened? What happened when he was born?<br> <br> Lori: He was born with ... They detected a problem. Actually when I was 18 weeks gestation. I don't know if you guys know how tiny your heart is at that point. I don't even think it's the size of an almond. But they saw something and they took another peak, and did another test when I was 24 weeks and my son was assigned a pediatric cardiologist at that point. He had a heart defect.<br> <br> Lori: He has a pulmonary valve that wasn't working right. His pulmonary artery was not pumping in ... Was too small, so he wasn't getting enough blood, and they anticipated birth and then surgery. He had to be five pounds, one ounce to be able to have surgery. And he was born exactly at five pounds, one ounce, he fooled them. He's a tough little guy, was able to make it to four months before he had to have his surgery.<br> <br> Lori: He was a bruiser at 10 pounds. And at birth he had oxygen deprivation and at his surgery, nine hours afterwards when it finished, his heart stopped. It had never worked that hard, never had that much blood flowing. And he ... Our doctors are amazing, I have to tell you.