#452: Former Border Patrol Chief Explains Why Border Crisis Is Worst It's Been in US History

Daily Signal News show

Summary: In an exclusive interview, former Border Patrol chief Mark Morgan shares with The Daily Signal's Rob Bluey why it's urgent we take action on the border crisis, and the importance of building a wall. We also cover these stories: • Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., shares what he saw on a recent trip to the border. • President Trump is requesting Congress send $4.5 billion in emergency funding to cope with the border crisis. • Attorney General William Barr is grilled at a contentious hearing about how he handled the release of the Mueller report. The Daily Signal podcast is available on Ricochet, iTunes, SoundCloud, Google Play, or Stitcher. All of our podcasts can be found at DailySignal.com/podcasts. If you like what you hear, please leave a review. You can also leave us a message at 202-608-6205 or write us at letters@dailysignal.com. Enjoy the show!