To Apply, or Not to Apply, That is the Sports Career Question – Work in Sports Podcast

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: Big question today, what does it mean to be qualified for a job and is it appropriate to apply when you aren't a 100% match? Let's dig in!Hi everybody, I’m Brian Clapp Director of Content for <a href=""></a> and this is the Work in Sports podcast…A couple of quick updates before we get into this week's sports career focused question, which is a good one that just came in this morning from Bill Wang. I had a direction I was going to go this morning, then I woke up, checked my inbox, had a great question in there…and called an audible.<a href=""></a>But before we get to that… coming up on Wednesday is an interview I’m pretty excited about. Chelsea Zahn from the Pittsburgh Steelers. Chelsea works in a side of the industry I knew very little about, and what I found out after interviewing her is that her role is a great side of the business for people to enter and thrive in.She’s in partnership activation – which essentially means, once sponsorship sales team signs on a new corporate sponsor, it is her job to work with them in both a customer service style role and a strategic execution role. She's working with local businesses to keep them happy and fulfilled as part of the Steelers community of sponsors.Very cool role – she explains it better than I can… and a worth listen especially for those still trying to figure out their fit in the industry and learn about options.Last note, then we’ll get to the question…For the last 2 years, multiple times per week, I have been asked to personally consult with people about their sports career. To date I have told people, listen to the podcast and if you have specific questions reach out to me and I’ll help. I love helping, it’s what I do, and that’s why I have this and other forums available to all of you.That said, I’ve had hundreds of people ask for more. So we’re going to deliver more.The team at Work in Sports and I have created an online course – a work at your own speed and pace learning center – where you can learn the strategies and tactics behind all of my best sports career advice. How to gain the RIGHT experience and make sure it matches employer needs, Building and maintaining your network, mastering your resume, cover letter, and personal brand, making sure you nail the interview process…and much more.These are the pillars of getting hired in the industry, but it’s the stuff you never get taught!No one focuses in on this part in their college education, and then people come to me and say “Hey I’m a college graduate… how do I get hired?”This has long frustrated me – people graduate will industry-relevant knowledge, but have no idea how to get a job!  So we created this course to help bridge the gap between what colleges and universities teach, and what employers want and need.It’s not about GPA – it is much more than that.No matter where you are in your career, this course will help you…and trust me we’re making it way more affordable than I wanted to.Just being honest – I had a certain price point in mind, and my boss said “hey, let’s make this a little easier for people to afford” and then I said “But boss, this is all my best stuff we can’t just give it away” and then he said “we aren’t going to give it away literally, but kind of.”And then I gave up and said…” you’re the boss”Now it isn’t 100% done yet and ready for market – I’m still putting the paint job on it… but soon. And I wanted you all to hear it from me first.Ok, now let’s get to today’s question from Bill Wang:I am reaching out because I have a question that I think applies to a lot of people when job hunting. Should I still apply to a job if I don't meet all the requirements for it? There are a lot of openings that I think my experience/skills fit most of the requirements, but there are always 1 or 2 that I don't fit and it will deter me from applying because I don't think I am going to land an inter...