FL287 – Work From Home Jobs: How to Become a Travel Agent, and Start a Home Based Travel Business

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> In today's episode, we're going to show you how to work from home as a virtual travel agent.<br> FULL TRANSCRIPT<br> Jocelyn Sams: Hey y'all on today's podcast we're going to show you how to work from home as a virtual travel agent.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast where life always comes before work. We're your hosts Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online. Now we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right. Let's get started.<br> <br> Shane Sams: What's going on everybody welcome back to The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast it is great to be with you again today. Super excited for today's show. This is a continuation of our work from home job series. We're branching out a little bit and showing you, the listener other ways you can make a living besides starting a website or selling virtual courses or anything like that. There's so many ways to live that flipped lifestyle in today's economy. The internet makes so many jobs possible to work from home and do things at home that you can really make a living doing almost anything you want. Anything that you can dream of. We have a an amazing example of a work from home job today.<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: I'm really, really excited about today's episode because this person came into my world randomly I guess you would say. A couple of years ago Shane and I were thinking about going to an all inclusive resort, I really didn't know much about it. I had heard about using travel agents before but we've never really used one. Well I'll take that back, we used one for Disney but I really wanted someone who was an expert on all inclusives and knew all about what we wanted to find in our all inclusive resort.<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: I did as some people may do actually probably just nerdy people like me. I got on Facebook and I used the search feature and I typed in all inclusive travel expert. I got a lot of different people and I started looking at their pages but one stood out to me in particular. What I do is, I go on and I message people and if they get back to me in a timely manner then there's a possibility that I will work with them and there's a pretty good possibility. Well Marci got back to me right away. We have been working together ever since. This has been a couple of years ago.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Today's guest is a literal work from home travel agent and is actually our personal travel agent, Marci Jennings. Marci welcome to The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast.<br> <br> Marci Jennings: Thank you so much for having me.<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: We are very excited to talk to you today for a lot of different reasons. I think that our listeners are going to be really intrigued by what you do and just the types of experiences that you get to have as a part of your job. Which are really, really cool. We'll get into that just a little bit but before we do tell us a little bit about you and your background and how you got started doing this.<br> <br> Marci Jennings: Awesome, yes I have a bit of an interesting story I guess but I think that's, this is how most business owners are often. First of all I'm a mom. I have two kiddos, they are 13 and nine so I love having great vacation experiences, and that has evolved over the course of time. But I actually started my career in physical therapy. I came from the medical field and loved what I did but didn't love all the paper work and all of the bureaucracy that's involved in healthcare today. Over the course of time I realized that maybe I, was maybe looking for something more flexible and just something a little bit different.<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: I want to know a little bit about this transition because I know that you're from a little bit larger area than we are. You're from the Kansas city area, right?<br> <br> Marci Jennings: Yes.<br> <br>