Mimi Mondal | Malotibala Printing Press

Nightmare Magazine - Horror and Dark Fantasy Story Podcast (Audiobook | Short Stories) show

Summary: I cannot understand why, but the young men of this generation have developed a new sport---to go and spend a night in a haunted house. Every three months or four, I receive a group of guests. It goes the same way each time. They arrive after sundown, bringing hurricane lamps, candles, sleeping mats, snacks and bottles of water lovingly packed from home. They come in groups of four or five, almost always the atheist, sceptical students of the Presidency College who remind me of my own youth. They sweep aside dirt and rabble from the floor, unfurl their mats, light a hurricane lamp at the centre of their circle, and settle down to tell ghost stories. | Copyright 2019 by Mimi Mondal. Narrated by Pooja Batra.