Gunsmoke – Reward for Matt. ep159, 550430

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Chester and doc talk about sure fire ways to get babies to fall asleep at night. They spot Matt approaching with a body. It’s the latest bad guy who tried to gun him down. <br> Mat is confronted by the man’s wife, but she thinks her man has just been apprehended on charges of being drunk or carousing. Her grief turns into rage against Matt as she swears that she’ll hire her own gunman against the lawman. Matt tries to let the situation roll off his back, and isn’t nearly as concerned as Kitty is over the threats. <br> Chester comes in with the poster that the widow is putting up all over Dodge, she’s offering a reward for $1000 for proof that Matt is dead. No questions asked. Matt tries to play it cool, but his nerves soon are tweaked into being high strung. <br> The first attempt is a drive by shooting… er make that a horse ride shooting. Matt shoots the kid in self defense, and as he is being mended in doc’s office Matt goes to confront him face to face. Matt is prepared to defend himself, but the death of the 15 year old boy drives him to confront the old widow. <br> Matt’s more worried about the people he may have to kill that he otherwise wouldn’t have to. If only the old woman would realize her part in the expected killing. Will she be convinced to take down her reward posters, and call off the potential gunmen? Nope, she’s still too bitter and selfish. <br> Matt is warey of any stragglers on the street, and would be killers. Jailing them when he can, but taking no mercy in defending himself from those who would shoot him down. The old hardened widow tries to bargain with matt, and make him leave Dodge. What will it take to bring her to reason? <br> Another widow rides to town looking for her boy. Little does she know that her son was the first one to be gunned down. It’s just the thing to soften the widow’s heart. The young widow’s husband is the man who was shot by the old widow’s husband, and the reason Matt was trying to arrest him in the first place. The dogs are called off, and it’s now up to Matt to break the tragic news to the young widow. At least the reward money is taken down and put to good use.<br>