Gunsmoke – The Mistake. ep153, 550319.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Matt meets Kitty on the streets early in the morning. She's on her way to do some horseback riding, and Matt is already well on a trend of making mistakes today. He doesn't notice Kitty's riding outfit, but then, Matt sees riding horses more of a work related, and less pleasure. <br> The socializing is cut short when Matt has to respond to a shoot out, and a man who is close to death. The man can't describe his killer except in general terms. A big red headed man, who meets the description of a long standing rival. <br> The description is enough to get Matt started. The main suspect, the red headed man, seems to have an alibi, but can he be trusted? Would the dead man lie about who shot him, just to lay blame at his old rival's feet? <br> Matt keeps making mistakes when he lets Chester take the suspect to jail. Chester never actually thought the man was guilty, and it was easy for the prisoner to make a jail break. When Matt returns from checking on alibi's, he blows up, and releases angry steam at Chester. <br> Matt is faced with a decision. Should he let the red headed man go, and look for the real killer? Time on the trail is time lost from a hunt for other suspects. Matt takes Chester and they head out after their escaped prisoner. With a little time on their hands as they set up camp for the night, the lawmen make amends, and make small talk. Suddenly in the dark of the night,, and start to make their move to catch their man. <br> It takes until sun up, but tHe redheaded man still claims that he had nothing to do with the killing. Back in town Matt finally gets his chance to check with doc, and the alibi of their suspect. Will the story check out? Will there be light shed on the real killer? Will Matt's hard luck day finally end with success? <br> The story checks out, and the real killer, a gambler is exposed. The trouble is that the killer flew the coupe while they were on their wild goose chase with their suspect. <br> PS: In the world of Gunsmoke, some things don't work out to make a pretty picture. Bad decisions are made, and the consequences have to be lived with. Hey, it is a chancey job that makes a man a little bit watchful, and a little bit lonely. <br>