JK's Happy Hour ep 14 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JK

TaylorNetwork show

Summary: In this episode we sit down with artist/writer Jamal Igle about his recent work on the KISS comic book published by IDW andalso his kickstarter project called "MOLLY DANGER" which you can support by going here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mollydanger/molly-danger We also celebrate JK's birthday while being stood up at the bar and our ole pal the actor/writer Chris Kipiniak joins us. Check out a very funny video Chris did here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEdXhH97Z7E . The host of Dr Who The Tavern podcast also joined us http://www.tardistavern.libsyn.com/ Darrell also talks about the recent ComiCONN in Connecticut . We also get another funny emberrassing JK story. http://jkwoodwardart.blogspot.com/ This podcast is sponsored by Friendly Neighborhood Comics http://friendlyneighborhoodcomics.com/ Discount Comic Book Services http://www.dcbservice.com/index.aspx Instock Trades http://www.instocktrades.com/ Join us on the forums at http://www.forumforgeeks.com