Astrology of 8 to 14 April - Venus conjoined Neptune, Venus sextile Saturn and Sun trine Jupiter

The Water Trio - Astrology with Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Shaich Yusuf show

Summary: We’re serving up the juicy highlights during a busy week in the sky as the pace picks up. Venus meets Neptune in Pisces midweek and she’s revisiting all the Mercury mayhem to offer healing and inner alignment. It’s a time to let go, and allow yourself to bring a little sweetness and pleasures into your life. Friday sees Venus then meet Saturn, offering structure, stability and clarity to all these Pisces insights coming through. On Sunday, the Sun forms a lovely royal pairing with Jupiter, a day to be confident and gather the passionate drive to get things done! For the Jupiter rituals and products discussed, please visit If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button on YouTube or iTunes so you’re notified when the next episode arrives! Coming up, here’s what the Water Trio gals have going on: • Kelly: Astrology University Summit – 2020: Epic Cycles of Change and Renewal • Cassandra: 50% off Special • Alicia: Beginner's Astrology Course