35: Bonus Edition- Interview with Ryan Jackson

Always A Lesson's Empowering Educators Podcast show

Summary: <a href="https://alwaysalesson.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/image1.jpeg"></a><br> Dr. Ryan B. Jackson is an assistant principal at Maplewood High School in Nashville, TN. As the self-coined, #UnderdogsAdvocate, Jackson prides himself on serving inner-city students, ensuring they receive access to high-quality education. Jackson created the Competitive Teaching Model, which was the basis of his TED Talk and has also been instrumental in implementing coding, STEM and an invigorated art curriculum into Maplewood. He publishes a monthly blog detailing these efforts.<br>  Quotables<br> <br> * "Man's innate desire to survive hasn't gone away, instead it has transformed into an innate desire to win." - Sigmund Freud<br> * Iron sharpens iron<br> * The journey is the goal<br> * Instead of holding people accountable, hold people able<br> * A rising tide lifts all boats<br> * Kids will teach you where your weaknesses are<br> * Learn, Unlearn, Relearn<br> * Teaching in isolation...those days are gone!<br> * The resume is an archaic form of hiring<br> * Danger meets opportunity<br> * Innovation is the antithesis of standardization<br> * Keep your ear to the street<br> * Advice is toxic<br> <br>  Ryan's Stamp of Approval<br> <br> * Competitive Teaching Model<br> * Dean of Students position before going into Administration<br> * Project Based Learning<br> * Collaboration among Teachers<br> * Synergetic Learners<br> * Growth Mindset<br> * Blended Learning<br> * Maker's Space<br> * Drone Technology- #codesanddrones<br> <br> Connect with Ryan Jackson<br> <br> * Blog: <a href="https://underdogsadvocate.wordpress.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://underdogsadvocate.wordpress.com</a><br> * TEDx link: <a href="http://bit.ly/CTMtedEd" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://bit.ly/CTMtedEd</a><br> * Emmy-winning mini-doc feat Jackson: <a href="http://bit.ly/1tbaTvj" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://bit.ly/1tbaTvj</a><br> * Tennessean story re my coding academy: <a href="http://bit.ly/MHScode" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://bit.ly/MHScode</a><br> * Twitter: @RyanBJackson1<br> * Email: ryan.jackson@mmps.org<br> <br>  <br> Join elite educators everywhere in snagging tips, tricks and freebies right to your inbox every month!<br> Become #empowered with the Always A Lesson newsletter: <a style="color: #ff0000;" href="https://alwaysalesson.leadpages.co/newslettersignup/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://alwaysalesson.leadpages.co/newslettersignup/</a><br>  <br> <br> Connect with Gretchen<br> <br> * Email: gretchen@alwaysalesson.com<br> * Blog: <a href="https://alwaysalesson.com">Always A Lesson </a><br> * Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/AlwaysALesson">Always A Lesson</a> <br> * Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/GSchultek">@gschultek</a>  <br> * Linkedin: <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/gretchenschultekbridgers">Gretchen Schultek Bridgers</a> <br> * Google+: <a href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/+GretchenSchultek">Gretchen Schultek Bridgers</a>  <br> * Book: <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Elementary-Educ-101-Didnt-College/dp/1478711868/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1412203865&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=education+101+what+they+didn%27t+teach+you+in+college">Elementary EDUC 101: What They Didn't Teach You in College</a> <br> <br>  <br> <br> Leave a Rating and Review<br> <br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-lessons-empowering/id1006433135?mt=2">https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-lessons-empowering/id1006433135?mt=2</a>&amp;ls=1<br> <br> Why?<br> <br> This helps my show remain active in order to continue to help other educators remain empowered in a career that has a long lasting effect on our future.<br> <br>