FL285 – How to Make Money Online in a Small Niche Business

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> In today's episode, we help Brad overcome fears and obstacles while scaling his business.<br> FULL TRANSCRIPT<br> Jocelyn: Hey y'all. On today's podcast we help Brad overcome fears and obstacles while scaling his business.<br> <br> Shane: Welcome to The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living on life. Now we help other families do the same. Are you ready to Flip Your Life? All right, let's get started.<br> <br> Shane: What's going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. It is great to be back with you again today. Super excited to talk to another member of the Flip Your Life community and help them take their business and their life to the next level. We've got an awesome guest today, Flip Your Life community member, Brad Grey, and I didn't even try to rhyme that it just happened, but Brad, welcome to the show.<br> <br> Brad Grey: Hey guys, how are you doing?<br> <br> Jocelyn: Hey Brad, we are excited to talk to you today. You have some really interesting things going on in your business, and I think that our listeners are going to love it. So let's dive right in. Tell us a little bit about you, your background, and what you're doing online.<br> <br> Brad Grey: All right. To start, I'm a husband and a father of three. Actually, I have three kids, two daughters, basically. Age seven and a four month old now, I guess. Yeah-<br> <br> Shane: That's a busy house right there.<br> <br> Brad Grey: Yeah. You're not kidding, and also a two year old son who is ... They have those terrible twos, so you've got all that going on and a dog running around. It's definitely busy. It's definitely a challenge to find that time, but I was able to kind of figure out ways to build that time with the help of you all, segmenting out the schedules and what not. I'm still a practicing biology/science teacher pretty much whatever they ask me to teach. I've been pursuing online business since about 2012 when I made a product, and I put it on Teachers Pay Teachers, and I started to blog a little bit. Just anything I could do really to make some extra money when we had my first child and every once in a while I'd get this little thing, a sale and it was like this bug just telling me, "Hey you need to be doing something else with this."<br> <br> Shane: It's like a virus.<br> <br> Brad Grey: It went on for years, and I just kept ignoring it like, it's only a couple of bucks here, a couple of bucks there but ... Then I came across your article in Forbes right about the same time I was finishing up my master's degree in curriculum and instruction and it was like a perfect storm. I was finishing up and I knew I didn't want to be the administrator, I wanted to just dive in and write curriculum.<br> <br> Jocelyn: I have to stop you here because in your form that you filled out it says "I knew what I needed to do, and I consumed what I suspect was at least 150 podcasts and even listened to some several times."<br> <br> Shane: That's amazing. You got the full Netflix binge listen of the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast.<br> <br> Brad Grey: Absolutely I used to love going to mow the lawn just so I could get a couple of episodes in.<br> <br> Jocelyn: That is awesome. I love that.<br> <br> Shane: We need to put that in all our sales copy. We even make mowing the yard fun.<br> <br> Brad Grey: Yeah, tough to make that fun, but it was my only opportunity to really get out there and listen to you guys. I listen to several, some of them several times just, to help provide that motivation every once in a while you just need that kick in the butt. Listening to certain episodes helps with that for sure. It helps keep me going, and I'd listen to No Sugar Shane, telling us what's up. It helps keep us going.<br> <br>