Pasitos to a Healthier You con Tamarindo!

Tamarindo Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of Tamarindo, we start by recapping how we did on our latest #reto or personal challenge! We'll tell you how we did  facing our biggest #budget adversaries, happy hours and public transportation fails, you’ll find out who made it to the end and some tips to take home to try your own budget challenge. We also kick off our first of many conversations around different aspects of #health as they affect our communities. Focusing on physical health for this chat, we share how we took our first “pasitos” or small steps towards a more conscious health awareness of what we eat, how we move, and how our physical health is connected to our emotional, mental, and overall well being. Through ideas on how to create positive habits, the power of accountability, and some personal healthy eating #tips, we set the stage for a fun conversation where we hope you’ll learn something too! We’re including some of the stats and resources we shared on the episode below. As usual, we share our matraca and basura, including a nod to #DoloresHuerta who was honored with her own day in California on April 10th. We won’t reveal our basura, but we will say we wish “we could turn back time” on her comments! Don't forget to rate and review #TamarindoPodcast and get in touch with us at with feedback and topics you want to hear more about!   Tamarindo Podcast is the #Latinx podcast discussing politics, pop culture, and how to balance it all con calma! It is hosted by Brenda Gonzalez and Ana Sheila Victorino and is available wherever you listen to podcasts! Health statistics: Diabetes statistics: Latino health disparities: CDC health stats: WHO chronic disease report Healthy tips: 7 minute workout app : Healthiest veggies: The benefits of quinoa: Zones where people live the longest and what they have in common: Healthy Pancake Recipe: Half a cup of oatmeal Half cup of cottage cheese or greek yogurt ¾ cup of egg whites 2 stevia packets Mix all of the ingredients in a food processor and prepare like regular pancakes Top with Walden Farms 0 calorie syrup