#119 Monster - excerpt from Julie's memoir

For The Life Of Me show

Summary: Storytelling is a powerful medium to share life experience. This week I read you one of my stories, one that -had it written for itself an alternate ending, may have given me a very different life experience. The period described is what I consider to be the worst time in my life, the painful effects seemed to be carried out by a perpetrator with no fault of my own. But after some very hard reflection and many many tears, I learned that my freedom was in taking responsibility for my life and also ownership for my part in this experience. I am not calling anyone out, nor seeking revenge. I am shedding the light on my mastery which grew in my self -created field, where I had called all the elements to constitute my perfect soil- some kind, some brutal, some happy, some sad, some expansive and some constricting- all with the purpose of reminding me who I am.