Ep. 77: But who’s going to watch the kids? The great childcare debate!

Awesome with Alison show

Summary: This is a very special episode in which we are opening all the cans of all the worms on WHO IS SUPPOSED TO WATCH THESE KIDS?! Now in NO way is this a complete and comprehensive discussion of childcare in America, or the challenges that so many face! We are however sharing how this is a huge, prevalent problem for so many women, offering up a few solutions, as well as sharing tips and ideas for creating a system that works for you, and helps you live at your best level! I bring on my employee and friend Nichelle Jensen, and we share our different experiences and journeys with finding and getting good help with our kids! Our goal is that our limited experience help in some way, but will also open up the conversation to others who are in a different situation! So let’s do it! Eric's closing song is "Early Morning LA" from the new World Traveler collection at pleasantpictures.club Use code: AWESOME WITH ERIC to get 20% off a track or subscription!