Invisible Women's Voices Finally Being Heard

Commonwealth Club of California Podcast show

Summary: In her book Sacred Voices: Stories from the Caravan of Women, Mariam Baker shows how we are all connected, and how women can lead the way. Finding herself strongly connected to Islam and Sufism since she was 20 years old, Baker, who grew up Catholic in the United States, conducts workshops all over the world, bridging the divide between Islam and the West. Believing it’s about time the greatness of women’s wisdom is spoken and heard, her lifelong work is devoted to empowering us all, especially women, with the goal of freeing women’s voices throughout the world and amongst all religions. Baker has led a rich and varied life that has helped launch her career as a spiritual teacher, conducting workshops all over the world. A specialist in women's and religious studies, she has spoken throughout the United States and in Canada, Brazil, Germany, Ireland, Russia, Tunisia and Australia. A leader in women’s spirituality since the 1970s, Baker has dedicated herself to uncovering the voices that have been forgotten, shunted aside or deliberately silenced. MLF Organizer: Denise Michaud MLF: Grownups