Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of April 17 to 24

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: The middle of April brings changes and completions. Mercury entered Aries on April 16, and Venus will follow suit on April 20. The second Libra Full Moon on April 19 is completing a cycle that sets you free and on a new path. Plus we'll talk about the Notre Dame fire as it relates to energy clearings, and the transits of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.   Discover more about Molly's 12 bestselling books, spiritual teachings, consciousness topics, and more: http://www.ConsciousCoolChic.com Business development support and resources for healers, spiritual experts, authors, guides, and solopreneurs: http://www.MollyMcCord.online ~~~~The Astrology of Relationships Online Course http://www.mollymccord.online/Relationship-Astrology-Course ~~~~ Astrology 101 Course For Your Soul's Growth Learn to interpret your natal chart in this on-demand course with 6 classes. More info here: https://www.mollymccord.online/p/intro-astrology-course